Working on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Transport (FOT), the Customer Information System Tasks (SKI) business office publishes data on all public transport in Switzerland

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99 datasets found

  • Stops at stop place

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    For a timetable period, it shows how often a particular means of transport on a line calls at a stop.

    More details about stops at stops in the further information.

    Last updated: February 7, 2024

    • ZIP
    • utilisation-of-stops
    • mode-of-transportation
    • data
    • without-transport-service
    • proprietary
    • analyst
    • stop
    • line
    • timetable
    • stop-frequency
  • Zones and stop places (Today)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This data set contains all valid public transport-relevant areas and stop edges of stops in Switzerland.

    Last updated: July 25, 2024

    • ZIP
    • train
    • stop-zone
    • stop-place
    • passenger
    • boarding-and-alighting
    • data
    • proprietary
  • (Beta) Long distance bus

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Long-distance bus timetable data as NeTEx. The timetables BlaBlaCar Bus and Flixbus are provided in EPIP or VDV 462.

    Last updated: July 10, 2024

    • ZIP
    • long-distance-coach
    • netex
    • vdv-462
    • data
    • travel
    • arrival
    • passenger
    • inter-modal-journey
    • holiday
    • timetable
    • stop
    • departure
    • bus
    • multi-modal-journey
    • journey
    • epip
    • holidaymaker
  • Timetable 2018 (HRDF)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: December 8, 2018

    • ZIP
    • hrdf
    • mode-of-transportation
    • business-organisation
    • passenger
    • stop
    • journey
    • timetable
    • mobility-service-provider
    • train
    • cableways
    • bus
    • data
    • line
  • Traffic counters (road traffic) - real time

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Real-time data from traffic counters along major Swiss roads.

    Traffic counters are located along important road segments to measure all traffic movements per direction and time....

    Last updated: February 19, 2024

    • API
    • traffic-counter
    • api
    • datex-ii
    • counting-station
    • multi-modal-journey
    • traffic-measurement
    • inter-modal-journey
    • motorist
    • real-time
    • car
    • counter
    • proprietary
    • motorised-private-transport
  • Attributes event information

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The list of attributes for the event information refers to chapter 10 communication in the event of an incident of the national industry standard customer information (currently...

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • XLS
    • delay
    • passenger
    • incident-management
    • siri-sx
    • journey
    • forecast
    • vdv-431
    • vdv-736
    • punctuality
    • line
    • incident
    • v580
    • bus
    • disruption
    • train
    • data
  • Timetable 2021 (GTFS2020)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: December 8, 2021

    • ZIP
    • stop
    • journey
    • timetable
    • line
    • passenger
    • train
    • data
    • cableways
    • mobility-service-provider
    • bus
    • business-organisation
    • gtfs
    • mode-of-transportation
  • Accessibility - (timetable change)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains information about the accessibility at stop level.

    Last updated: July 25, 2024

    • ZIP
    • data
    • accessible-travel
    • prm
    • stop
    • without-transport-service
    • proprietary
  • Timetable 2022 (HRDF) Format 5.4

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: December 7, 2022

    • ZIP
    • timetable
    • journey
    • mobility-service-provider
    • stop
    • passenger
    • line
    • data
    • hrdf
    • business-organisation
    • mode-of-transportation
    • cableways
    • train
    • bus
  • Occupancy Forecast SIRI Dataset

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    A capacity utilisation forecast or occupancy forecast is a prediction of the expected capacity utilisation of a specific means of transport (train, bus, etc.) at a specific point...

    Last updated: July 26, 2024

    • ZIP
    • embag
    • train
    • occupancy
    • data
    • class
    • journey
    • passenger
    • siri-et
    • timetable
  • Timetable draft 2019 (HRDF)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This timetable is still in planning. The data can change until the final publication.

    Last updated: May 28, 2018

    • ZIP
    • bus
    • journey
    • data
    • draft
    • mode-of-transportation
    • hrdf
    • timetable
    • cableways
    • business-organisation
    • stop
    • line
    • passenger
    • mobility-service-provider
    • train
  • Timetable draft 2018 (HRDF)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This timetable was still in planning at the time of publication. For this reason, the data may be different from the current timetable.

    Last updated: February 19, 2024

    • ZIP
    • data
    • hrdf
    • stop
    • train
    • business-organisation
    • journey
    • draft
    • mode-of-transportation
    • cableways
    • timetable
    • passenger
    • line
    • mobility-service-provider
    • bus
  • Timetable 2021 (HRDF) Format 5.2

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Please switch to format 5.4 as soon as possible. The format 5.2. will only be available for FP 2021.

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that...

    Last updated: December 8, 2021

    • ZIP
    • passenger
    • business-organisation
    • hrdf
    • data
    • mobility-service-provider
    • journey
    • stop
    • bus
    • cableways
    • train
    • line
    • mode-of-transportation
    • timetable
  • GTFS Realtime - Service Alerts

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This service provides all event information from transport companies in Switzerland that are connected to the central data hub (DDS SKI). The continuously updated data can be...

    Last updated: July 24, 2024

    • business-organisation
    • incident
    • gtfs-rt-service-alerts
    • punctuality
    • passenger
    • forecast
    • api
    • transport-operator
    • train
    • bus
    • disruption
    • delay
    • real-time
    • incident-management
    • line
    • transport-company
  • Traffic lights (road traffic) – real time

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Traffic signal data is of fundamental importance for traffic management.

    To enable the various partners to use the data from these systems, we have introduced new real-time...

    Last updated: February 19, 2024

    • car
    • ocit-c
    • motorised-private-transport
    • api
    • real-time
    • motorist
    • multi-modal-journey
    • inter-modal-journey
  • Timetable 2021 (HRDF) Format 5.4

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: December 8, 2021

    • ZIP
    • passenger
    • hrdf
    • cableways
    • line
    • data
    • train
    • bus
    • journey
    • timetable
    • business-organisation
    • mode-of-transportation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • stop
  • Timetable Draft 54 from 2021 (HRDF) Format 5.4

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This timetable is still in the planning stage, i.e. a draft timetable. The dates are subject to change until final publication.

    This data set is in the current data format 5.4...

    Last updated: June 2, 2024

    • ZIP
    • hrdf
    • bus
    • train
    • cableways
    • draft
    • data
    • line
    • business-organisation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • passenger
    • journey
    • timetable
    • mode-of-transportation
    • stop
  • Timetable 2020 (GTFS)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: December 9, 2020

    • ZIP
    • stop
    • passenger
    • cableways
    • line
    • gtfs
    • data
    • train
    • mode-of-transportation
    • bus
    • journey
    • timetable
    • business-organisation
    • mobility-service-provider
  • Number of passengers boarding and alighting

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Passengers boarding and alighting at stations and stops.

    Last updated: June 19, 2024

    • XLS
    • passanger-frequency
    • analyst
    • boarding-and-alighting
    • without-transport-service
    • alighting
    • proprietary
    • boarding
    • data
    • passenger-frequency
  • Accessibility - Toilets (timetable change)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains information on the accessibility of toilets.

    Last updated: July 25, 2024

    • ZIP
    • data
    • accessible-travel
    • prm
    • without-transport-service
    • toilet
    • proprietary