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71 datasets found

  • Hard rock aggregates: Thickness and quality of geological occurrences

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Hard rock aggregates play a central role particularly for the construction and maintenance of the Swiss railway network (railway ballast) as well as of high-performance roads. For...

    Last updated: June 18, 2024

    • HTML
    • API
    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • confederation
  • Federal Inventory of Reserves for Waterbirds and Migratory Birds of international and national importance

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Switzerland is especially important as a wintering and resting site for various migratory waterbirds. As a result, in 1974 the Federal Council signed a convention on watercourses...

    Last updated: July 1, 2023

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • HTML
    • API
    • e-geoch
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • migratory-bird
    • environment
    • waterfowl
    • habitats-and-biotopes
    • protected-sites
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Declination Map of Switzerland 1:500000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Geomagnetic maps are the result of measurements of total intensity, declination and inclination. The declination describes the angle formed between magnetic and geographic north....

    Last updated: December 31, 1979

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • geophysical-map
    • e-geoch-geoportal
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • geophysics
    • magnetism
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Topographical Map (Dufour Map)

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The first official map of Switzerland. First issued between 1844 and 1864, updated up to 1939. 25 sheets. Map format: 70 x 48 cm = 3360 km2. Representation of the terrain: Shaded...

    Last updated: January 1, 1843

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • historic-map
    • individual-symbol
    • official-geodata
    • terrain-representation
    • national-map
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • place-name
    • rock
    • history
    • relief-land
    • province
    • nomenclature
    • geographical-names
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • water-geographic
    • mountain
    • topography
    • map-chart
  • National Air Pollution Monitoring Network NABEL: stations

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL) monitors air quality at 16 different locations in Switzerland. The monitoring stations are spread over the entire country and...

    Last updated: January 1, 2018

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • air-pollutant
    • atmospheric-conditions
    • human-health-and-safety
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • e-geoch
    • official-geodata
  • Swiss Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (SwissPRTR)

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    SwissPRTR is the publicly accessible Swiss Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. It provides information about releases of pollutants and transfers of wastes from facilities and...

    Last updated: February 29, 2024

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • e-geoch
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • source-of-pollution
    • waste-disposal
    • special-waste
    • emission-source
    • pollutant
    • waste-recycling
    • production-and-industrial-facilities
    • human-health-and-safety
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Federal Inventory of Floodplains of National Importance

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Floodplains, namely natural habitats in the flood zones of watercourses, are in decline. The scientific inventory of floodplains was commissioned by the FDHA in May 1981 and...

    Last updated: November 1, 2017

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • HTML
    • API
    • e-geoch
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • environment
    • habitats-and-biotopes
    • protected-sites
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Cantons NFI

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    According to the geometry of the data set, Switzerland is divided into cantons. Basel Stadt and Basel-Landschaft are considered as a single unit.

    Last updated: January 1, 2021

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • forest-resource
    • wood
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • bio-geographical-regions
    • habitats-and-biotopes
    • species-distribution
    • national
  • Hydrogeological map of Switzerland 1:100000

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Published by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the specialist office of the Swiss Geological Survey responsible for hydrogeology.The hydrogeological map 1:100,000 shows...

    Last updated: December 31, 2014

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • HTML
    • API
    • hydrogeology
    • groundwater
    • aquifer
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
  • Distribution of ibex colonies

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    After being resettled in 1906, Alpine (Capra) ibex live in colonies of varying sizes throughout the Alpine region and in the Jura mountains. Because the growth of stocks in...

    Last updated: March 31, 2021

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • e-geoch
    • environment
    • wild-animal
    • game-animals
    • species-distribution
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Production regions NFI

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    According to the geometry of the data set, Switzerland is divided into five areas, namely Jura, Central Plateau, Pre-Alps, Alps, and the southern side of the Alps. They represent...

    Last updated:

    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • WMS
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • forest-resource
    • wood
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • National Long-Term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The National River Monitoring and Survey Programme (NADUF) tracks the concentrations of substances occurring in selected Swiss watercourses. NADUF, launched in 1972, is a project...

    Last updated: December 7, 2022

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • HTML
    • API
    • gewiss
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • water-geographic
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Protection forest regions NFI

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    According to the geometry of the data set, Switzerland is divided into six areas. They represent different forest growth and protective forest conditions.

    Last updated:

    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • WMS
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • wood
    • forest-resource
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Sites of National Importance - Stationary Objects

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    There are currently 19 different amphibian species that live in Switzerland, and nearly all of them are included in the Red List of Threatened Species. The areas that contain...

    Last updated: November 1, 2017

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • HTML
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • environment
    • protected-sites
    • habitats-and-biotopes
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Economic regions NFI

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    Switzerland is divided into fourteen areas according to the geometry of the data set. They represent different forest growth and economic conditions and represent a refinement of...

    Last updated:

    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • WMS
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • forest-resource
    • wood
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Bedrock elevation model

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The bedrock elevation model is a complete model of the bedrock surface (or Quaternary base) in the Molasse Basin, the larger Alpine valleys (Rhine, Rhône, Aare, Reuss, Linth and...

    Last updated: April 29, 2015

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • glaciation
    • bouguer-anomaly
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geomorphology
    • sedimentation-basin
    • sedimentation-geology
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The sheets of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland (GA25) give detailed information about the uppermost layers of the subsurface structure. Geological formations are represented by...

    Last updated: January 1, 1930

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • e-geoch
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geologic-map
    • official-geodata
    • geology
    • stone
    • tectonics
    • earth-science
    • sedimentation-geology
    • geological-process
    • geomorphology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Thickness model of unconsolidated deposits

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The thickness model of unconsolidated deposits is a digital data set that describes the thickness of the unconsolidated deposits. This product is derived from the bedrock elevation...

    Last updated: April 29, 2015

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • bouguer-anomaly
    • glaciation
    • official-geodata
    • sedimentation-geology
    • sedimentation-basin
    • geomorphology
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Tectonic Map of Switzerland 1:500000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The Tectonic Map of Switzerland (TK500) depicts the tectonic units and structural elements of the entire Swiss territory and neighboring regions. These units group together rocks...

    Last updated: May 1, 2024

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geologic-map
    • e-geoch
    • official-geodata
    • tectonics
    • earth-science
    • mountain-range
    • fault
    • fault
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Statistics on hydropower plants (WASTA)

    Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    The "Statistics on hydropower plants" (WASTA) contain data concerning the Swiss hydropower plants with an output of at least 300 kW. This includes technical data relating to...

    Last updated: December 31, 2022

    • ZIP
    • GPKG
    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • energy-resources
    • hydrography
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure