Last updated
December 31, 2023
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A charging point is a facility for charging plug-in vehicles (battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids) at which a single vehicle can be charged at the same time. A charging point therefore corresponds to a plug that supplies a car park with a charging facility. All data refers to charging points [number of charging points]. A distinction is made between various charging options, which differ according to the charging requirements (charging at home, charging at work, charging in the neighbourhood, charging at the destination, fast charging) as well as the charging type (alternating current AC, direct current DC) and charging power (in kilowatts [kW]). The charging points for charging in the neighbourhood, charging at the destination and fast charging are aggregated and referred to as generally accessible charging points. The aggregated charging demand per charging requirement is modelled for all of Switzerland's approximately 8,000 traffic zones. The number of charging points required to cover the charging demand depends on the current charging network (DIEMO, data status 2022) and the assumed utilisation of the charging points (utilisation rate) in the future. The utilisation rate indicates how much charging energy is delivered per day or per year via a charging point (in relation to the maximum possible electricity output at this charging point). The utilisation rate of the charging points varies depending on the charging option. Much more electricity is supplied per year at a fast charging point than at a workplace charging point. The assumptions regarding the future utilisation of charging points per charging option were agreed with the technical experts (SFOE study "Understanding charging infrastructure 2050"). To illustrate the range of possible developments, the SFOE and EBP have designed the three charging worlds "Convenient", "Planned" and "Flexible" to show the direction in which the charging infrastructure in Switzerland could develop. The charging worlds each describe a consistent picture of how the charging infrastructure could develop by 2050. The different charging worlds serve to analyse the development under different conditions, political framework conditions and the varying influence of important drivers. The database contains the future demand for charging points [number of charging points] per charging option for plug-in vehicles (battery-electric cars and plug-in hybrids). The data is available regionalised at transport zone, municipality and canton level in 5-year increments from 2025 to 2050. A distinction is made between three charging worlds (Convenient, Planned and Flexible), which represent a range of possible developments in Switzerland.


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Issued date
December 31, 2023
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Bundesamt für Energie
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