Ultimo aggiornamento
gennaio 28,2023
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Closed data


The dataset contains the soil wetness monitoring data from the publication Wicki et al. (2022). It was collected in Wasen i.E. (Napf area, Switzerland). The monitoring data is quality-controlled and aggregated to hourly values and it is provided for the study period 2019-04-05 to 2022-04-30.

The following information is contained (by column):

  • Timestamp (UTC+1 time zone)
  • Site: Slope (47.02486 N, 7.81960 E), Flat (47.02302 N, 7.81760 E)
  • Sensor type
  • Measure: VWC = volumetric water content [m3 m-3], MP = matric potential [hPa], TEMP = temperature [°C], PREC = precipitation [mm]
  • Sensor number (per site each sensor is provided a unique identifier)
  • Installation depth [m]
  • Homogenization flag: If the data is considered homogeneous, it is given the flag 1, else the flag 0 is given
  • Sensor value
  • Normalized value: Normalization was conducted for VWC (saturation) and MP values

Wicki, A., Lehmann, P., Hauck, C., and Stähli, M.: Impact of topography on in-situ soil wetness measurements for regional landslide early warning – a case study from the Swiss Alpine Foreland, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2022-211, in review, 2022.


Informazioni aggiuntive

Data di rilascio
gennaio 21,2023
Data di modifica
gennaio 28,2023
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