Ultimo aggiornamento
febbraio 9,2022
Condizioni d'uso
Open use. Must provide the source.


Collected July-August 2011-2013 (PI: Jacob Nabe-Nielsen)

These data collected July-August 2011-2013 (PI: Jacob Nabe-Nielsen). Please contact J. Nabe-Nielsen (jnn_at_ecos.au.dk) to request access to data on all surveyed shrub species. Available here are only data used in Chardon et al. 2022.


Metadata for 90 m spatial grid

year: sampling year

alt: average altitude of grid as recorded during field surveys [m]

long: WGS84 longitude

lat: WGS84 latitude

x_stere: longitude in Polar Stereographic (EPSG 4326)

y_stere: latitude in Polar Stereographic (EPSG 4326)

Species presence [1] or absence [0] at grid level

pa_bena: Betula nana

pa_sagl: Salix glauca

Shrub species cover (calculated from pin hits in 0.7 x 0.7 m frame, based on total of 25 hits) [%]

cov_bena: Betula nana cover

cov_sagl: Salix glauca cover

Downscaled climate (time series 1984 – 2013)

tempjja: average maximum June-August temperature [ºC]

tempmax: yearly maximum temperature [ºC]

tempmin: yearly minimum temperature [ºC]

tempcont: yearly maximum – minimum temperature [ºC]

precipmam: cumulative March-May precipitation [mm]

precipjja: cumulative June-August precipitation [mm]

insoljja: average June-August insolation [MJ cm-2 yr-1]

Topography and terrain wetness (calculated from)

twi: SAGA wetness index (MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Mapping Project Digital Elevation Model v. 1; Howat et al., 2014, 2015)

slope: slope angle (MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Mapping Project Digital Elevation Model v. 1; Howat et al., 2014, 2015) [º]

asp: aspect (MEaSUREs Greenland Ice Mapping Project Digital Elevation Model v. 1; Howat et al., 2014, 2015) [º]

tcws: Tasseled Cap Wetness component (Sentinal images)

Community characteristics

rich: shrub species richness averaged across pin-point frames per grid

shan: Shannon diversity (‘vegan’ package; Oksanen et al. 2019)

comp_bena: shrub competition on Betula nana (i.e. summed cover of non-B. nana species) [% cover]

comp_sagl: shrub competition on Salix glauca (i.e. summed cover of non-S. glauca species) [% cover]

Informazioni aggiuntive

Data di rilascio
aprile 15,2021
Data di modifica
febbraio 9,2022
URL d'accesso
Grandezza dei dati
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