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2 août 2023
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Tree-ring data and tree location from 470 European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) located in the northern part of Switzerland. 278 trees showed drought-induced premature leaf discoloration and shedding in summer 2018 and 192 showed normal leaf fall. The trees were selected from the "1000-Beech-Project" published by Frei et al. 2022 and the data was analyzed in Neycken et al 2023 (in preparation). The corresponding crown data are archived in the EnviDat data portal (Frei et al. 2023). All other data generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Publications related to original data set and crown data:

Wohlgemuth, T., Kistler, M., Aymon, C., Hagedorn, F., Gessler, A., Gossner, M.M., Queloz, V., Vögtli, I., Wasem, U., Vitasse, Y., Rigling, A., 2020. Früher Laubfall der Buche während der Sommertrockenheit 2018: Resistenz oder Schwächesymptom? Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 171, 257–269.

Frei, E.R., Gossner, M.M., Vitasse, Y., Queloz, V., Dubach, V., Gessler, A., Ginzler, C., Hagedorn, F., Meusburger, K., Moor, M., Samblás Vives, E., Rigling, A., Uitentuis, I., von Arx, G., Wohlgemuth, T., 2022. European beech dieback after premature leaf senescence during the 2018 drought in northern Switzerland. Plant Biol J 24, 1132–1145.

Publication related to tree-ring data and growth analysis: Neycken et al 2023 (in preparation)


Informations complémentaires

Date de publication
20 juillet 2023
Date de modification
2 août 2023
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