Dernière mise à jour
30 août 2023
Conditions d'utilisation
Open use


PARC is the meta-catalogue for the Africana collections at the research location Basel. It contains more than 250'000 objects, books, photographs, posters from the University of Basel, Mission 21, the Basler Afrika Bibliographien, the Swiss TPH, the Museum der Kulturen Basel and more.

The full metadata of PARC is available as an open dataset.

Some remarks :

  • The normalized metadata from PARC is available in .csv or .json format (files parc-portal.csv and parc-portal.json). There is a link to the iiif manifests of the images
  • The raw metadata delivered by the institutions is also available in the corresponding folder
  • Please note that only the metadata is in the public domain, not the images


Informations complémentaires

Date de publication
30 août 2023
Date de modification
PARC - Platform for African Research Collections
Points de contact
Reto Ulrich
Indépendant de la langue
Informations complémentaires
Landing page
Couverture temporelle
Couverture spatiale
Intervalle d'actualisation
Accès aux métadonnées
API (JSON) Télécharger XML

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Reto Ulrich