Dernière mise à jour
1 septembre 2020
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This data set includes synchronized and independently measured water discharge, bedload transport and at-a-point bedrock erosion data in 1 minute resolution and over more than 1.5 years from the Erlenbach stream hydrological observatory, a small (first-order) catchment in the pre-alpine valley Alptal in central Switzerland. These measurements are of high accuracy, which have been assessed in Beer, A.R. et al. 2015. Earth Surf. Proc., 40, 530-541. doi: 10.1002/esp.3652. For the artificial bedrock (a slab of weak concrete, fixed flush with the streambed) 6 additional consecutive spatial elevation data sets of 1 mm resolution have been surveyed that allow the local continuous erosion measurements to be extended to the patch scale.

This unique data set has been used to validate and calibrate bedrock erosion models for the process to intermediate scales of time (and space), whose performance then was assessed over extended time (up to bicentennial floods), based on available longer data sets of linked discharge and bedload transport (see related datasets).


Informations complémentaires

Date de publication
28 août 2020
Date de modification
1 septembre 2020
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