Dernière mise à jour
14 février 2022
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Title: Does zoning contain built-up land expansion? Causal evidence from Zhangzhou City, China.

Research objective: Built-up land zoning is an imporatant policy measure of land use planning (LUP) to contain built-up land expansion in China. We used a difference-indifference model with propensity score matching to estimate the average and annual effect of built-up land zoning on built-up land expansion in Zhangzhou City, China between 2010 and 2020.

Data: Data.dbf contains the varibles of 1662 villages in Zhangzhou Cities in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, and 2020. XZQDM2 is villages' unique administrative ID; Area is the land area of village i; Dis2water is the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest waterbody; Dis2coastl is the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest coastline; Dis2city is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the city center; Dis2county is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest county center; Elevation is the the average elevation within village i; Dis2road is the the Euclidean distance from village i to the nearest road; Nei_Built_ is the the area of built-up land (Nei Built.upit) in the neighboring villages of village i in year t; Treated is a binary variable, Treated = 1 to the villages that were partially or entirely located inside the development-permitted zones, and Treated = 0 to the villages that were entirely located outside the development-permitted zones; Intensity is the percentage of land that was assigned to the development-permitted zones in village i; Year represent the year in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, and 2020; BuLE is the dependent variable, representing built-up land expansion in village i in year t; Town is town' unique administrative ID.

Method: First, we employed propensity score matching to overcome the selection bias and satisfy the parallel trend assumption. Second, we built four Difference-in-Difference models to estimate the average and annual effect.


Informations complémentaires

Date de publication
25 janvier 2022
Date de modification
14 février 2022
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