Dernière mise à jour
9 janvier 2018
Conditions d'utilisation
Open use. Must provide the source.


A set of three consecutive inventories was used to generate records for the calibration of mortality models based on trees that were alive in the first and second inventory and either dead or alive in the third inventory.

Meta data Reserve: Name of the forest reserve

Plot: Permanent plot number

Tree data Species: Latin species name (or species group, cf. Quercus spp.)

y: Status of the tree with 0 = alive and 1 = dead

dt: Length of the mortality period (years)

DBH: Diameter at breast height (mm) of the second inventory

relBAI: Annual relative basal area increment (-) calculated based on the first and the second DBH measurement as the compound annual growth rate of the trees basal area

Stand data All stand variables were calculated for the second inventory.

mDBH: Mean diameter at breast height (mm)

iqrDBH: Interquartile range of diameter at breast height (mm)

BA: Basal area per hectare (m2 ha-1)

N: Number of trees per hectare (ha-1)

Climate data Both climate variables were calculated for the period between the second and the third inventory.

P: Mean annual precipitation sum (mm)

mT: Mean annual air temperature (°C)

Informations complémentaires

Date de publication
15 novembre 2017
Date de modification
9 janvier 2018
URL d'accès
Taille du fichier
10.2 MB


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