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4 showcases found

  • development-of-swiss-municipalities

    Development of Swiss municipalities

    Municipalities are the lowest level of administrative domains in Switzerland. The municipalities that exist today have evolved over the years, for example by merging with...

    0 Datasets View Development of Swiss municipalities
  • aare-guru zeigt dir alles, was du vor dem Aare Schwumm in Bern wissen musst! Die Aktuelle Temperatur und Wassermenge und eine Prognose, wie die Aare Temperatur in zwei Stunden...

    2 Datasets View
  • minecraft4switzerland


    The map of Switzerland is replicated in the videogame Minecraft using the Opendata maps. Additionally a webpage allows the composition of programs to run inside Minecraft for...

    1 Dataset View Minecraft4Switzerland
  • baditickerapi


    Die Baditicker-API bietet einerseits einen einfachen Zugang zu den Echtzeitdaten, welche direkt von den Bademeistern der städtischen Freibäder in Zürich gemessen und übermittelt...

    1 Dataset View Baditicker-API