The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research is concerned with the use, development and protection of natural and urban spaces. The focus of our research is on solving problems to do with the responsible use of landscapes and forests and a prudent approach to natural hazards, especially those common in mountainous countries. WSL occupies a leading position internationally in these research areas. We also provide groundwork for sustainable environmental policies in Switzerland.

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9 datasets found

  • Data Broedlin CNP

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Mircocosm experiment to identify the individual patterns and controls of C, N, and P mobilization in soils under beech forests. Organic and mineral horizons sampled along a...

    Last updated: November 3, 2019

    • XLS
    • drying-rewetting
    • carbon
    • soil
    • stoichiometry
    • forest
    • phosphorus
    • nitrogen
    • dissolved-organic-matter
    • mineralization
  • Environmental layers for SDM simulations (GDPlants)

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    The dataset contains seven environmental layers (average annual temperature, aridity [annual precipitation divided by annual potential evapotranspiration], frost change frequency,...

    Last updated: September 27, 2023

    • TIFF
    • ground-temperature
    • aridity
    • soil
    • precipitation
    • frost-change-velocity
    • sdms
  • Long-term recovery of above-and belowground interactions in restored grasslands

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based.

    Paper Citation:

    _Resch, M.C., Schütz, M., Ochoa-Hueso, R., Buchmann, N., Frey, B., Graf, U.,...

    Last updated: October 20, 2021

    • XLS
    • biodiversity
    • grassland
    • bacteria
    • soil-biology
    • soil-biodiversity
    • soil
    • plants
    • restoration
    • topsoil-removal
    • soil-chemistry
    • nematodes
    • fungi
  • Soil net nitrogen mineralisation across global grasslands

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based.

    Paper Citation:

    Risch, A. C.; Zimmermann, S.; Ochoa-Hueso, R.; Schütz, M.; Frey, B.; Firn, J....

    Last updated: August 13, 2020

    • XLS
    • grassland
    • nutrient-network
    • mineralization
    • soil
    • worldwide
    • soil-chemistry
    • global
    • soil-biology
  • Nitrogen availability under trees exposed to CO2 enrichment (FACE)

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Data obtained in the free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment at Hofstetten, NW Switzerland, between 2009 and 2016. This dataset contains analyses of the soil solution throughout...

    Last updated: November 3, 2019

    • CSV
    • co2
    • soil
    • face
    • nitrogen
    • picea-abies
    • forest
  • Soil property maps for the Swiss forest

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    We used 2071 forest soil profiles to model a wide range of soil properties for the forested area of Switzerland. The spatial prediction is based on the principle of «digital soil...

    Last updated: February 26, 2024

    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • soil-texture
    • soc
    • soil-properties
    • dsm
    • forest
    • soil-depth
    • switzerland
    • soil
    • soil-ph
  • Anthropogenic change and soil net N mineralization

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based.

    Paper Citation:

    Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Moser, Barbara, Schütz, Martin, Hagedorn,...

    Last updated: August 20, 2020

    • XLS
    • climate
    • fertilization
    • mineralization
    • ammonification
    • grassland
    • nitrogen
    • nutrient-network
    • soil
    • nitrification
    • herbivore
    • global-change
  • Resolution in species distribution models shapes spatial patterns of plant multifaceted diversity

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset comprises a large array of ecological data for the European Alps:

    (1) Current soil and climate predictors at various resolutions. (2) GBIF observations of the...

    Last updated: February 13, 2023

    • ZIP
    • soil
    • functional-diversity
    • climate
    • grain-size
    • phylogenetic-diversity
    • taxonomic-diversity
    • ecological-indicator-values
  • Biogeochemical data from a transplantation experiment of monolith soil turfs along an altitudinal gradient to simulate climate change scenarios

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Silvopastoral systems are highly productive and combine long-term wood production with annual provision of forage for livestock. In the Swiss Jura Mountains these systems are a key...

    Last updated: December 15, 2020

    • ZIP
    • biogeochemisty
    • climate-change
    • silvopastoral-systems
    • soil
    • transplantation-experiment