SBB is the backbone of sustainable mobility in Switzerland. Every day, it safely transports 1.18 million passengers and 210,000 tonnes of freight on time and in an environmentally friendly manner.

The railway transcends all linguistic, cultural and political boundaries to bring Switzerland together, and in economic and social terms, it makes a vital contribution to the quality of life and competitiveness of our country. However, SBB is much more than just a modern, efficient railway company. As an employer and contractor, a property owner and a real estate manager, SBB takes responsibility for Switzerland, its regions and the environment.

3 datasets found

  • Accessibility - Stop places (today)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains information about the accessibility at stop place level.

    Last updated: September 11, 2024

    • ZIP
    • without-transport-service
    • proprietary
    • accessible-travel
    • data
    • boarding-area
    • prm
  • Accessibility - Stop places (all versions)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains information about the accessibility at stop place level.

    Last updated: September 11, 2024

    • ZIP
    • without-transport-service
    • proprietary
    • accessible-travel
    • data
    • boarding-area
    • prm
  • Accessibility - Stop places (timetable change)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains information about the accessibility at stop place level.

    Last updated: September 11, 2024

    • ZIP
    • without-transport-service
    • data
    • proprietary
    • boarding-area
    • prm
    • accessible-travel