The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is part of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. Along with the cantons it is responsible for public health in Switzerland and for developing national health policy. As the national health authority, the FOPH also represents Switzerland's interests in the field of health in international organisations and with respect to other countries.

20 datasets found

  • Health insurance premiums

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is the authority for the supervision of the insurers who offer social health insurance i.e., the mandatory health care insurance (basic...

    Last updated: September 26, 2023

    • PDF
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • premiums
    • foph
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • basic-health-insurance
    • sickness-funds
  • Dashboard health insurance OKP

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
    Health, Economy and finance

    The Dashboard heath Insurance (OKP) shows data on health insurance in Switzerland. It is limited to compulsory health insurance (OKP), in accordance with the Federal Health...

    Last updated: May 16, 2024

    • ZIP
    • dashboard
    • health-insurance
    • insurance
    • health
  • Kennzahlen der Leistungserbringer der Krankenpflege und Hilfe zu Hause

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
    Health, Government and public sector

    Das BAG ist für die Veröffentlichung der Kennzahlen zu den Leistungserbringern der Pflege und Hilfe zu Hause zuständig. Diese Zahlen beruhen auf den Daten der Statistik der Hilfe...

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • XLS
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    • ZIP
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2022

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2022. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: March 14, 2024

    • CSV
    • TXT
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • health-insurance-act
    • foph
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • quality-indicators
    • ch-iqi
    • numbers-of-cases
    • acute-care-hospitals
  • Kennzahlen der Schweizer Pflegeheime

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
    Health, Government and public sector

    Das Bundesamt für Gesundheit ist beauftragt, Betriebskennzahlen der Schweizer Pflegeheime zu veröffentlichen. Sie basieren auf den Daten der Statistik der sozialmedizinischen...

    Last updated: January 18, 2024

    • XLS
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    • ZIP
  • Statistics on compulsory health insurance

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
    Health, Government and public sector

    This section provides information regarding publications on compulsory health insurance.

    Last updated:

    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • foph
    • health-insurance
    • basic-health-insurance
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2011

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2011. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: September 26, 2013

    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2010

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2010. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: December 27, 2015

    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2014

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2014. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: August 8, 2016

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2015

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2015. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: June 30, 2017

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2016

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2016. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: February 27, 2018

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2017

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2017. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: June 5, 2020

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2018

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2018. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: June 5, 2020

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2012

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2012. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: July 30, 2014

    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2013

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2013. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: December 27, 2015

    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2019

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2019. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: May 17, 2021

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • quality-indicators
    • ch-iqi
    • health-insurance-act
    • foph
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • medical-statistics
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2020

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2020. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: April 4, 2022

    • CSV
    • TXT
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • mortality-rates
    • health-insurance-act
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • foph
    • ch-iqi
    • numbers-of-cases
    • medical-statistics
    • quality-indicators
    • federal-office-of-public-health
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2008/2009

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2008/2009 include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2008 and 2009. Given values include the number of...

    Last updated: December 27, 2015

    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • ch-iqi
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • medical-statistics
    • mortality-rates
    • numbers-of-cases
    • quality-indicators
  • Statistics on compulsory health insurance 2018

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
    Health, Government and public sector

    This section provides information regarding publications on compulsory health insurance.

    Last updated: May 18, 2020

    • ZIP
  • Quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals 2021

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The quality indicators of the Swiss acute care hospitals include details of treatments provided at Swiss hospitals in 2021. Given values include the number of cases, figures for...

    Last updated: April 5, 2023

    • CSV
    • TXT
    • PDF
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • health-insurance-act
    • numbers-of-cases
    • medical-statistics
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • mortality-rates
    • ch-iqi
    • foph
    • acute-care-hospitals
    • quality-indicators