64 datasets found

  • Brandschutzwand

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Die Brand- und Blendschutzwände stehen entlang der Bahnstrecke damit beim Bremsen möglicherweise entstehende Funken keinen Brand auslösen können oder der/die Lokführer:in nicht...

    Last updated: September 14, 2021

    • RDF XML
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    • TXT
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    • N3
    • KML
    • gpx
    • ZIP
  • Stop: luggage

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    When can which luggage be checked in at a stop.

    Last updated: February 23, 2024

    • JSON-LD
    • JSON
    • KML
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
    • CSV
  • Beacons in SBB stations

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Coordinates and locations of the beacons in the SBB stations Basel, Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne and Bern.The accuracy of Beacon technology does not allow precise navigation. SBB does...

    Last updated: June 29, 2021

    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • KML
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • N3
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • RDF Turtle
  • Stop: visual tactile safety paving line

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    A tactile paving line enables blind and visually-impaired people to move around independently in public spaces.The area between the outer edges of the tactile-visual safety paving...

    Last updated: May 28, 2021

    • TXT
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    • N3
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • ZIP
  • LoRa@Station

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa. List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa.

    Last updated: May 28, 2021

    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • gpx
    • CSV
  • Stop: mobility

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information on Park+Rail, bike parking spaces, RailTaxi, rental bikes, car sharing incl. payment systems.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • TXT
    • gpx
    • XLS
  • Line (kilometrage points)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Maps the kilometrage of the SBB route network. This kilometrage is signalled using boards along the route

    Last updated: April 21, 2021

    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
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    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
  • QS Bestandesaufnahme Behig für Transportunternehmungen

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Visualisiert die Datenqualität der Bestandeserfassung BehiGDie Daten stammen von opentransportdata.swiss und werden täglich (6 Uhr)...

    Last updated: October 17, 2023

    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • N3
  • Stop: light columns

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Light columns that serve as a distinguishing mark of an SBB stop.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • JSON
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
  • Stop: platform length (body)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The platform is the part of the stop that is raised up from the railway tracks. It is used by passengers boarding, alighting from or waiting for a train. Platforms can be divided...

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • KML
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    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • N3
    • TXT
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
  • publibike availability bern

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    alle 10 Minuten werden die Publibike Daten ab dem OpenJourneyPlaner (OJP) abgefragt:----------------Aufruf:curl --location --request POST...

    Last updated: March 3, 2023

    • JSON
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    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • N3
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • TXT
  • Stop: platform edge

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Indicates the type of platform, platform height and length.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • KML
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
  • Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Der Datensatz «Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat» listet für jeden Abschnitt des Streckennetzes und Monat die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Züge pro Tag auf und stellt sie den...

    Last updated: August 28, 2024

    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • KML
    • TXT
  • Shop opening hours

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    What businesses are available at which stop and when they are open.     

    Last updated: September 19, 2024

    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • KML
    • XLS
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
  • Stop: sector boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Platforms are divided up into smaller areas using the sector boards.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • TXT
    • gpx
    • JSON
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • octet-stream
  • Stop: ancillary services.

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of other establishments in SBB stations (kiosks, bakeries, tourist offices).

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • N3
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
  • Elevator master data

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Master data on SBB lifts and escalators

    Last updated: July 8, 2019

    • JSON-LD
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    • N3
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • gpx
  • Stop: services

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The major stations provide extensive SBB services with convenient opening hours: for ticket counters, ticket machines, counters for event tickets, currency exchange, money transfer...

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • RDF XML
    • gpx
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    • TXT
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • KML
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
  • Stop: ticket machines

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Locations of SBB ticket machines. In addition to rail tickets, other products can be purchased at SBB ticket machines.These include: - prepay credit for mobile phones- prepay...

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • JSON
    • N3
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
  • SBB’s route network

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    SBB’s route networkAll installations are ordered on lines. These lines also correspond to those found in the official timetable.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • TXT
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    • JSON
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • gpx