85 datasets found

  • GA Travelcard / Half Fare Travelcard

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Die vierstelligen Postleitzahlen beziehen sich auf die im amtlichen Ortschaftenverzeichnis angegebenen Postleitzahlen: https://www.cadastre.ch/de/services/service/plz.html...

    Last updated: March 31, 2021

    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • N3
    • JSON
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
  • Infrastrukturbetreiberinnen

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Welche Strecke wird von welcher Infrastrukturbetreiberin verantwortet

    Last updated: September 25, 2024

    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • JSON
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • KML
  • Elevator master data

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Master data on SBB lifts and escalators

    Last updated: July 8, 2019

    • JSON
    • XLS
    • KML
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
  • Beacons in SBB stations

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Coordinates and locations of the beacons in the SBB stations Basel, Zurich, Geneva, Lucerne and Bern.The accuracy of Beacon technology does not allow precise navigation. SBB does...

    Last updated: June 29, 2021

    • KML
    • gpx
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
  • Trains per section of line

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Der Datensatz umfasst die Abschnitte der Eisenbahnstreckennetze folgender Infrastrukturbetreiberinnen:

    • BLS Netz AG (BLS)
    • DB Netz AG (DB)
    • Hafenbahnen Schweiz AG (HBS, HBL) -...

    Last updated: March 31, 2021

    • XLS
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
  • Stop: clock

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Display location of clocks at SBB operating points.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • CSV
    • TXT
    • KML
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • gpx
    • N3
  • Stop: platform edge

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Indicates the type of platform, platform height and length.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • XLS
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • N3
  • Stop: ticket machines

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Locations of SBB ticket machines. In addition to rail tickets, other products can be purchased at SBB ticket machines.These include: - prepay credit for mobile phones- prepay...

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • KML
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
    • TXT
  • Stop: contact addresses

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Address, e-mail and fax for services at SBB stops.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • gpx
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • KML
    • N3
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
  • Departure boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Departure boards at SBB stops. Updated on an ongoing basis.

    Last updated: December 19, 2022

    • N3
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • KML
  • Stop: waiting rooms

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Detailed information on waiting rooms at operating points under ‘SBB CFF’ management (SBB physical quantities).Weekly Update.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • N3
    • ZIP
  • Images of Trainstations

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Pictures of railwaystations

    Last updated: May 25, 2018

    • CSV
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • trainstation
    • real-estate
  • Graphic timetable

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Graphic timetable for a line

    Last updated: April 26, 2023

    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • N3
  • Stop: services

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The major stations provide extensive SBB services with convenient opening hours: for ticket counters, ticket machines, counters for event tickets, currency exchange, money transfer...

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • TXT
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • XLS
    • KML
    • CSV
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
  • Bestandesaufnahme_Behig

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Visualisiert der Stand der Erfassung der Informationen zu den Haltekanten im Kontext barrierefreies ReisenDie Daten stammen von opentransportdata.swiss und werden täglich (6 Uhr)...

    Last updated: September 25, 2024

    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • N3
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • ZIP
    • XLS
  • Rail traffic information

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Rail traffic information is updated every 5 minutes. It contains the most important messages about rail services in Switzerland.

    Last updated: September 26, 2024

    • JSON
    • N3
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
  • Anzahl SBB-Bahnhofbenutzer (Tagesverlauf)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Als Bahnhofbenutzer gelten Passagiere der Bahn respektive des öffentlichen Verkehrs, Kunden der Geschäfte im Bahnhof und Passanten. Gezählt werden Personenbewegungen als Abfolge...

    Last updated: April 5, 2024

    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
  • Stop: equipment

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Lists the equipment the station has for accessible travel.The data is an extract from the operational systems and shows all stations belonging to SBB Infrastructure.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • JSON
    • CSV
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
  • Bridges

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    A bridge is a structure that crosses a road or an obstacle. A small bridge up to 2 meters is called a passage. Bridges are represented as a complete object consisting of individual...

    Last updated: January 22, 2024

    • octet-stream
    • ZIP
    • JSON
    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • gpx
    • KML
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
  • Line (graphical)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Maps out the SBB lines as a geometric line.

    Last updated: May 28, 2021

    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • KML
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • RDF XML