2 datasets found

  • RADAR Wind profiler Davos Wolfgang

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    The RADAR wind profiler from Meteoswiss was installed at Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) and measured from 2171 m above sea level to 11079 m, with a temporal...

    Last updated: March 27, 2020

    • ZIP
    • wind-speed
    • wind-direction
    • radar
    • raclets
    • wolfgangpass
  • Radiosondes

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Radiosondes (Windsond, Sparv Embedded AB) were started in Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) to report height profiles of pressure, relative humidity and temperature at...

    Last updated: June 10, 2020

    • ZIP
    • raclets
    • relative-humidity
    • holoballoon
    • pressure
    • radiosonde
    • wind-direction
    • temperature
    • wind