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113 datasets found

  • Digitised publications

    Swiss National Library NL
    Education, culture and sport

    The digitized collections available through this portal include over 8,500 books in PDF format with integrated optical character recognition. These texts are available worldwide...

    Last updated: July 17, 2020

    • PDF
    • culture
    • glam
    • openglam
    • switzerland
  • Official Compilation of Federal Legislation (BS / AS) 1948-2018

    Swiss Federal Archives SFA
    Justice, legal system and public safety

    The data comprise the Official Compilation (AS) including the Revised Compilation (BS). The AS is the organ of publication for enactments of the Confederation that have entered...

    Last updated: November 4, 2020

    • ZIP
    • PDF
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Bauhistorische Fotosammlung von Uster (1893-1909) von Julius Gujer

    City of Zurich
    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Economy and finance

    Diese Teilauswahl des Fotobestandes von Julius Gujer bietet einen Einblick in den Baumwollindustriestandort Uster Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts.

    Durch eine umfangreiche...

    Last updated: April 26, 2017

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    • RDF XML
  • Gemeindewahlen und -Abstimmungen von Uster 1966 - 2016

    City of Zurich
    Government and public sector

    Statistische und inhaltliche Daten der Gemeindewahlen und –Abstimmungen von Uster anhand gescannter Wahlunterlagen und Protokolle der letzten 50 Jahre.

    Die Unterlagen geben...

    Last updated: June 7, 2017

    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
    • XML
    • XLS
  • Photographs by Robert Breitinger

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport

    Robert Breitinger-Wyder was a heating engineer and stove manufacturer in Zürich. At age 45, he took up the hobby of photography, like so many of the bourgeoisie in Zürich at that...

    Last updated: September 1, 2023

    • XML
    • ZIP
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Bildarchiv des Schweizerischen Arbeiterhilfswerks (SAH) - Oeuvre suisse d'entraide ouvrière (OSEO)

    City of Zurich
    Education, culture and sport

    Während der letzten Jahre des Zweiten Weltkriegs nahm das Schweizerische Arbeiterhilfswerk (SAH) eine ausgedehnte Versorgungs- und...

    Last updated: May 18, 2017

    • ZIP
    • CSV
  • Maps from the collection “Magnificent Atlases” with title cartouches

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    A selection of about 1930 maps from the collection "Magnificent Atlases: From the Beginnings to the Golden Age” were...

    Last updated: September 18, 2023

    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives

    Swiss Federal Archives SFA
    Government and public sector

    Metadata of the fonds in the Swiss Federal Archives. Currently the metadata of 3.84 million files and 257'000 documents are available online (august 2020). Including over 25’000...

    Last updated: August 14, 2020

    • ZIP
    • PDF
    • XLS
    • active-service
    • agricultural-research-institutes
    • agriculture
    • archives
    • armament
    • armed-forces
    • armed-forces-material
    • armed-forces-staff
    • art
    • authorities
    • banks
    • border-guard
    • censorship
    • civil-aviation
    • civil-defence
    • civil-status
    • coinage
    • commerce
    • commercial-register-and-property-law-register
    • communications
    • consulates
    • council-of-states
    • credit-institutions
    • culture
    • customs
    • customs-administration
    • customs-districts
    • development-cooperation
    • economy-economic-affairs
    • education
    • embassies
    • emigration
    • employee-protection
    • energy
    • environment
    • environmental-protection
    • extra-parliamentary-committees
    • federal-administration
    • federal-assembly
    • federal-buildings
    • federal-chancellery
    • federal-council
    • federal-parliament
    • finance-administration
    • finances
    • fishing
    • foreign-economic-affairs
    • foreign-policy
    • forestry
    • foundations
    • gain-administration
    • general
    • general-defence
    • general-staff
    • glam
    • government
    • head-of-department
    • health
    • housing
    • hunting
    • hydraulic-engineering
    • immigration
    • industry
    • intellectual-property
    • international-cooperation
    • international-organisations
    • investigation
    • investment-funds
    • justice
    • labour-law
    • land-improvement
    • land-register
    • legislation
    • media
    • meteorology
    • migration-authority
    • military-insurance
    • military-justice
    • military-leadership
    • national-budget
    • national-council
    • national-defence
    • national-supply
    • navigation
    • office-of-the-armed-forces-attorney-general
    • office-of-the-attorney-general-of-switzerland
    • openglam
    • parliamentary-committees
    • parliamentary-services
    • people
    • personnel-employed-by-the-confederation
    • police
    • postal-services
    • precious-metals
    • private-insurance
    • protection-of-foreign-interests
    • railways
    • refugees
    • research
    • road-construction
    • road-transport
    • saving-bank
    • school
    • science
    • science-policy
    • service-branches
    • social-insurance
    • social-security
    • spatial-planning
    • sports
    • state
    • statistics
    • swiss-representation-abroad
    • tax-administration
    • taxes
    • telecommunications
    • tenant-protection
    • topography
    • tourism
    • trade
    • transport
    • unemployment-insurance
    • veterinary-services
    • war-economy
    • water-management
    • welfare
    • work
  • Pfarrbücher der Stadt Zürich, Tauf- und Ehebuch Grossmünster 1708 - 1762

    City of Zurich
    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    Die Pfarrbücher der Pfarrämter bzw. Kirchengemeinden der Stadt Zürich enthalten Taufen, Ehen, Todesfälle und oft auch Konfirmationen. Sie sind im Stadtarchiv Zürich in...

    Last updated: April 28, 2017

    • ZIP
    • PDF
  • Bildarchiv des Lebensmittelverein Zürich (LVZ)

    City of Zurich
    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Energy

    Das Bildarchiv der LVZ ist einer der reichhaltigsten Bildbestände des Sozialarchivs. Es umfasst über 1'600 Fotos, Negative, Dias, Glasdias und Objekte zur Geschichte des...

    Last updated: May 19, 2017

    • CSV
    • ZIP
  • Early modern travel literature

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport

    Printed travelogues from the 16th to the 19th century shaped the ideas of foreign countries and continents. They informed, alienated and dramatised and thus satisfied the curiosity...

    Last updated: September 19, 2023

    • CSV
    • JSON
    • openglam
    • glam
  • Historische Fotografien des Forstbetriebes Sihlwald,1878-1962

    City of Zurich
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Environment

    Das Stadtarchiv Zürich hat im Sommer 2004 in Zusammenarbeit mit Grün Stadt Zürich (dem das ehemalige Stadtforstamt zugeordnet ist) einen wertvollen Bestand historischer...

    Last updated: April 26, 2017

    • ZIP
    • CSV
  • Metadata of all concerts of the Montreux Jazz Festival

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    This dataset describes all the concerts which take place at the Montreux Jazz Festival from 1967 until today. Please keep in mind that the work on this dataset is ongoing and...

    Last updated: October 3, 2022

    • SPARQL
    • glam
    • openglam