2 datasets found

  • Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) 2024

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This list links business (VM-Number, TU-Code, Variant/Date) and technical Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) identifiers. This means that, if necessary, technical identifiers can be found...

    Last updated: September 7, 2024

    • CSV
    • data
    • proprietary
    • swiss-journey-id
    • journey
    • train
    • bus
    • mobility-service-provider
  • Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) 2025

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This list links business (VM-Number, TU-Code, Variant/Date) and technical Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) identifiers. This means that, if necessary, technical identifiers can be found...

    Last updated: September 7, 2024

    • CSV
    • train
    • journey
    • proprietary
    • bus
    • mobility-service-provider
    • data
    • swiss-journey-id