36 datasets found

  • Percentage of stocking along rivers

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Vegetation performs important functions. It provides shade for rivers, thus reducing peak water temperatures. In the context of global warming, this is increasingly important....

    Last updated: October 7, 2022

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  • Residual flow map of Switzerland: catchment

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The Federal Act of 24 January 1991 on the Protection of Water against Pollution (LPEP) and its provisions on residual flows came into force on November 1, 1992 in Kraft getreten....

    Last updated: January 1, 2004

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    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Topographical catchment areas of Swiss waterbodies 40 km²

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The "40 km² catchment areas" data set is one of four possible aggregation levels for the "Topographical catchment areas of Swiss waterbodies" geodata set. It consists of a...

    Last updated: July 1, 2010

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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • hydrography
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 2070-2099, Scenario RCP 8.5

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mean daily temperature high in July (period 2070-2099). The temperature increase of the climate scenario was added to the map «Air temperature July 1981-2010». Among the...

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • forestry
    • climate
    • air
    • climate
    • air
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 2070-2099, Scenario RCP 4.5

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Mean daily temperature high in July (period 2070-2099). The temperature increase of the climate scenario was added to the map «Air temperature July 1981-2010». Among the...

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • climate
    • air
    • forestry
    • climate
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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Mean daily temperature high in July, period 1981-2010

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The daily high of the air temperature in July in the diurnal cycle (1981-2010) (for detailed explanations see «Air temperature July 1961-1990»). The resulting map has a spatial...

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • forestry
    • climate
    • air
    • climate
    • air
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Swiss residual flow maps Supply

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The Federal Act of 24 January 1991 on the Protection of Water against Pollution (LPEP) and its provisions on residual flows came into force on November 1, 1992 in Kraft getreten....

    Last updated: January 1, 2004

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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Thermal continentality at 1000 m a.s.l. in July, period 1981-2010

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The thermal continentality in °C was calculated as the difference between the highest and lowest value of the daily variation of the temperature of July in the period under...

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • forestry
    • storm-damage
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Swiss residual flow maps Return flows

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The Federal Act of 24 January 1991 on the Protection of Water against Pollution (LPEP) and its provisions on residual flows came into force on November 1, 1992 in Kraft getreten....

    Last updated: January 1, 2004

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    • environment
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Crayfish plague – Findings in Switzerland

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Regions and cities, Environment

    Proof of the crayfish plague in Switzerland: Geo-referenced locations of populations with test results. The most cataclysmic disease for the European species is the crayfish plague...

    Last updated: January 12, 2011

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    • animal-disease
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  • Determination and modelling of the upper timberline for the standard periods 1961–1990 and 1981–2010, and the future period 2070–2099

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    This map shows the natural upper timberline (excluding anthropogenic influences and without considering shrub forest) modelled for the periods 1961–1990, 1981–2010 and 2070–2099....

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • forestry
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    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Relative air humidity in July, period 1981-2010

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The map shows the mean relative air humidity at 13:30 in July for the period 1981-2010. For the area-wide calculation the climate stations of MeteoSwiss served as support points....

    Last updated: April 1, 2022

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    • forestry
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    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Ecomorphology Level F – River reaches

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    To enable watercourses to be fully protected, their status must be known. The Modular Stepwise Procedure provides the framework for standardised investigation and assessment of...

    Last updated: August 8, 2013

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    • renaturation
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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Ecomorphology Level F – Drop structures

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    To enable surface waters to be fully protected, their status must be known. The Modular Stepwise Procedure provides the framework for standardized investigation and assessment of...

    Last updated: August 8, 2013

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  • Ecomorphology Level F - Structures

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    To enable surface waters to be fully protected, their status must be known. The Modular Stepwise Procedure provides the framework for standardized investigation and assessment of...

    Last updated: August 8, 2013

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    • renaturation
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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Wildlife Passages

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    In einer ersten Phase hat das BAFU anhand der verfügbaren Daten die Wildtierpassagen auf dem Nationalstrassen- und Schienennetz erfasst. Berücksichtigt wurden Kunstbauten, die...

    Last updated: August 23, 2023

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    • environment
    • wild-animal
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    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • biotope-network
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure