99 datasets found

  • Dogs - Deaths

    Identitas AG

    Number of deaths of registered dogs (including notifications from Liechtenstein).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • dogs
    • population-trends
    • companion-animals
    • euthanasia
    • deaths
  • Cats - Evolution by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living cats by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • cats
    • breeds
    • companion-animals
    • population-trends
  • Cats - Evolution in Switzerland and abroad

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living cats in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • population-trends
    • country
    • companion-animals
    • cats
  • Equids - Imports by canton

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified imports of equids by canton.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • canton
    • livestock
    • traceability
    • companion-animals
    • imports
    • equids
  • Dogs - Evolution in Switzerland and abroad

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living dogs in Switzerland and in Liechtenstein.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • country
    • dogs
    • population-trends
  • Equids - Imports by country

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified imports of equids by country. All remaining countries are grouped under the term "Further countries". The complete list is available when downloading the data.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • traceability
    • country
    • imports
  • Dogs - Imports by age class

    Identitas AG

    Number of dog imports by age class (includes notifications from Liechtenstein).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • dogs
    • imports
    • age
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Evolution by equid types

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living equids by equid types.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • population-trends
    • companion-animals
    • equid-types
    • livestock
  • Equids - Distribution of births

    Identitas AG

    Distribution of the births of the registered equids.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • births
    • equids
    • population-trends
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
  • Cats - Cat keepers by gender

    Identitas AG

    Number of keepers of registered and living cats by their gender.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • gender
    • companion-animals
    • cats
    • keepers
  • Equids - Evolution of holdings

    Identitas AG

    Number of holdings with equids by size category defined in the ordinance for animal protection (only available in German, French and Italian).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
    • holdings
  • Cats - Imports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of cat imports by breed (includes notifications from Liechtenstein). The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading...

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • cats
    • companion-animals
    • imports
    • breeds
  • Cats - Deaths

    Identitas AG

    Number of deaths of registered cats (including notifications from Liechtenstein).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • euthanasia
    • deaths
    • traceability
    • companion-animals
    • cats
  • Equids - Deaths

    Identitas AG

    Number of deaths (without euthanasia) by equid types over time. The notifications on deaths and euthanasia may be affected by inaccuracies.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • traceability
    • deaths
    • equids
  • Dogs - Exports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of dog exports by breed (includes notifications from Liechtenstein). The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available on download...

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • dogs
    • exports
    • breeds
  • Equids - Exports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified exports of equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • traceability
    • breeds
    • equids
    • exports
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Slaughters

    Identitas AG

    Number of slaughters by equid types over time.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • traceability
    • equids
    • deaths
    • slaughter
  • Equids - Euthanasia

    Identitas AG

    Number of euthanasia by equid types over time.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • traceability
    • livestock
    • deaths
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • euthanasia
  • Dogs - Number of dog keepers by canton

    Identitas AG

    Number of keepers of living and registered dogs by canton.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • owners
    • dogs
  • Dogs - Evolution by size category

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living dogs by size class.

    Last updated: September 16, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • dogs
    • population-trends