51 datasets found

  • Equids - Evolution by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
    • equids
    • breeds
    • population-trends
  • Equids - Exports by canton

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified exports of equids by canton of origin.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • canton
    • exports
    • traceability
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
  • Equids - Owners by gender

    Identitas AG

    Number of owners of living and registered equids in Switzerland, in Liechtenstein and abroad (all countries except Liechtenstein) by gender.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • livestock
    • owners
    • gender
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Births

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified births of equids.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
    • population-trends
    • equids
    • births
  • Equids - Herd size per holding

    Identitas AG

    Median size of herds of registered and living equids for all holdings, the 10% smallest and 10% largest.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • equids
    • holdings
    • livestock
  • Equids - Passport types for equids

    Identitas AG

    Evolution of the number of equine passport types issued over time.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • passports
  • Equids - Names of the mares

    Identitas AG

    Ranking of top names given to registered and living female equids by language region. The majority of all names appear only once and do not make it into the top 10.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • female
    • equids
    • names
  • Equids - Distribution of births

    Identitas AG

    Distribution of the births of the registered equids.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • livestock
    • births
    • population-trends
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Evolution by type of use and equid types

    Identitas AG

    Evolution of registered and living equids by equid types and by type of use companion animal. The terms livestock and companion animal, according to the Ordinance on veterinary...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • equid-types
    • population-trends
    • type-of-use
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
  • Equids - Distribution by municipality

    Identitas AG

    Map of the distribution of registered and living equids by municipality and agricultural zones boundaries according to the FOAG classification: total, total by surface in km2...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • municipality
    • maps
    • equids
  • Equids - Names of colts

    Identitas AG

    Top 10 names for colts in the birthyear. Animals without names or with "technical" name designations are not considered in the graph. The majority of all names appear only once and...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • colts
    • livestock
    • names
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Evolution by canton

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living equids by canton.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • population-trends
    • companion-animals
    • canton
    • equids
    • livestock
  • Equids - Evolution by size at withers

    Identitas AG

    Number of registered and living equids by height at withers over time.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • companion-animals
    • withers
    • population-trends
    • livestock
    • equids
  • Equids - Evolution by type of use

    Identitas AG

    Evolution of registered and living equids by type of use (livestock or companion animal). The terms livestock and companion animal, according to the Ordinance on veterinary drugs,...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • type-of-use
    • population-trends
  • Equids - Equine passports by place of birth

    Identitas AG

    Proportion of passports issued for equids born in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, by category of issuer.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • passports
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Imports by equid types

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified imports of equids by equid types.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • traceability
    • equids
    • imports
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • breeds
  • Equids - Exports to countries

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified exports of equids by country of destination. All remaining countries are grouped under the term "Further countries". The complete list is available when...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • traceability
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • livestock
    • country
    • exports
  • Equids - Births by sex

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified births of equids by sex.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • equids
    • companion-animals
    • births
    • population-trends
    • sex
  • Equids - Slaughters

    Identitas AG

    Number of slaughters by equid types over time.

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • companion-animals
    • equids
    • traceability
    • deaths
    • slaughter
  • Equids - Notifications of relocation

    Identitas AG

    Number of equid notifications for a change of holding (relocation, import or ownership change with relocation) by year and by total of relocations by equid (Liechtenstein...

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • CSV
    • livestock
    • relocation
    • equids
    • companion-animals