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79 datasets found

  • Timetable 2018 (HRDF)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: December 8, 2018

    • ZIP
    • line
    • bus
    • train
    • hrdf
    • timetable
    • business-organisation
    • cableways
    • stop
    • mode-of-transportation
    • passenger
    • data
    • mobility-service-provider
    • journey
  • Actual data

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The actual data contains the journeys which have actually been completed during the last or relevant day. The actual data is either the effective actual data or last forecast...

    Last updated: September 12, 2024

    • CSV
    • punctuality
    • passenger
    • forecast
    • proprietary
    • train
    • bus
    • actual-data
    • delay
    • data
  • Timetable 2019 (GTFS)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: December 11, 2019

    • ZIP
    • train
    • data
    • mode-of-transportation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • stop
    • business-organisation
    • cableways
    • line
    • timetable
    • passenger
    • bus
    • journey
    • gtfs
  • Timetable 2020 (GTFS2020)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: December 9, 2020

    • ZIP
    • business-organisation
    • bus
    • cableways
    • train
    • timetable
    • data
    • mode-of-transportation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • stop
    • journey
    • line
    • gtfs
    • passenger
  • Timetable 2025 (GTFS2020)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: September 9, 2024

    • ZIP
    • gtfs
    • mobility-service-provider
    • line
    • journey
    • stop
    • business-organisation
    • passenger
    • cableways
    • timetable
    • mode-of-transportation
    • train
    • bus
    • data
  • Timetable 2020 (HRDF) Format 5.4

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: December 7, 2020

    • ZIP
    • mobility-service-provider
    • data
    • cableways
    • timetable
    • bus
    • mode-of-transportation
    • train
    • business-organisation
    • line
    • passenger
    • journey
    • stop
    • hrdf
  • Timetable 2016 (GTFS)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: November 8, 2016

    • ZIP
    • passenger
    • journey
    • gtfs
    • line
    • stop
    • data
    • mobility-service-provider
    • cableways
    • bus
    • timetable
    • train
    • mode-of-transportation
    • business-organisation
  • Timetable 2017 (GTFS)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: December 6, 2017

    • ZIP
    • bus
    • business-organisation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • data
    • timetable
    • cableways
    • gtfs
    • passenger
    • stop
    • mode-of-transportation
    • train
    • line
    • journey
  • Timetable 2018 (GTFS)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the General Transit Feed...

    Last updated: November 28, 2018

    • ZIP
    • train
    • bus
    • business-organisation
    • line
    • data
    • mobility-service-provider
    • timetable
    • cableways
    • passenger
    • stop
    • mode-of-transportation
    • journey
    • gtfs
  • Timetable 2024 (HRDF) Format 5.4

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that enable timetable display and information. The timetable is provided in the HAFAS raw data format (HRDF).

    Last updated: September 11, 2024

    • ZIP
    • stop
    • hrdf
    • passenger
    • journey
    • bus
    • mode-of-transportation
    • train
    • business-organisation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • data
    • cableways
    • timetable
  • Service Points (all versions)

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This dataset contains all public transport-relevant service points (stops, freight points & operating points) in Switzerland.

    Last updated: September 11, 2024

    • ZIP
    • train
    • data
    • boarding-and-alighting
    • operating-points
    • bus
    • passenger
    • freight-point
    • stop
    • service-point
    • proprietary
    • service-location
  • Lists of transport modes and hints

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    The lists of transport modes and hints refer to chapter 6 Harmonisation of means of transport of the national industry standard Customer information (unfortunately currently only...

    Last updated: April 24, 2024

    • CSV
    • bus
    • train
    • cableways
    • data
    • message
    • mobility-service-provider
    • proprietary
    • mode-of-transportation
    • on-demand-bus
  • Timetable 2021 (HRDF) Format 5.2

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    Please switch to format 5.4 as soon as possible. The format 5.2. will only be available for FP 2021.

    The timetable contains the essential topological and temporal elements that...

    Last updated: December 8, 2021

    • ZIP
    • timetable
    • hrdf
    • cableways
    • train
    • line
    • mode-of-transportation
    • mobility-service-provider
    • bus
    • data
    • journey
    • stop
    • business-organisation
    • passenger
  • Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) 2025

    Business office of Customer Information System Tasks (SBB CFF FFS)

    This list links business (VM-Number, TU-Code, Variant/Date) and technical Swiss Journey ID (SJYID) identifiers. This means that, if necessary, technical identifiers can be found...

    Last updated: September 7, 2024

    • CSV
    • train
    • journey
    • proprietary
    • bus
    • mobility-service-provider
    • data
    • swiss-journey-id
  • ÖV-Haltestellen

    The Land Surveying Office of the City of Bern
    Regions and cities, Transport

    Standorte Tram- und Bushaltestellen sowie Drahtseilbahnstationen in der Stadt Bern und Agglomeration.

    Last updated: September 3, 2024

    • WMS
    • WFS
  • ÖV-Linien

    The Land Surveying Office of the City of Bern
    Regions and cities, Transport

    ÖV-Linien in der Stadt Bern und Agglomeration.

    Last updated: July 8, 2024

    • WMS
  • öffentlicher Verkehr

    Kanton Solothurn
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Der öffentliche Verkehr im Kanton Solothurn umfasst diverse Bahn- und Buslinien.

    Last updated: January 3, 2024

    • DXF
    • GPKG
    • SHP
  • Bahnhöfe

    The Land Surveying Office of the City of Bern
    Regions and cities, Transport

    Standorte der Bahnhöfe in der Stadt Bern und Agglomeration.

    Last updated: March 30, 2022

    • WMS
    • WFS
  • öffentlicher Verkehr

    Kanton Solothurn
    Regions and cities

    Der öffentliche Verkehr im Kanton Solothurn umfasst diverse Bahn- und Buslinien.

    Last updated: March 1, 2023

    • DXF
    • GPKG
    • SHP