2 datasets found

  • Field observations of snow instabilities

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    This data set includes 589 snow profile observations including a rutschblock test, observations of signs of instability and an assessment of the local avalanche danger level,...

    Last updated: April 17, 2023

    • CSV
    • PDF
    • avalanche-forecasting
    • snow-instability
    • danger-level
    • avalanche
    • snow
    • avalanche-danger
  • Simulated avalanche problem types and seismic avalanche activity around Weissfluhjoch

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Avalanche problem types were derived from snow cover simulations with the models Crocus and SNOWPACK at the Weissfluhjoch study plot, Davos, CH. The data include annual frequencies...

    Last updated: December 14, 2021

    • avalanche-activity
    • crocus
    • snow-cover-modeling
    • weissfluhjoch
    • snow
    • avalanche-danger
    • avalanche
    • avalanche-problem-type
    • snow-instability
    • snowpack