133 datasets found

  • Verkehrszählung nach Fahrzeugklassen auf den Bundesstrassen im Kanton St.Gallen (ASTRA)

    Kanton St. Gallen

    Der Datensatz zeigt die Verkehrszählung des Bundesamtes für Strasse (ASTRA) auf den Bundesstrassen des Kantons St.Gallen. Die gezählten Fahrzeuge werden nach verschiedenen...

    Last updated: December 21, 2023

    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
  • Line (Operation Points)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Course of a line based on the operating points.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • CSV
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • infrastructure
    • traffic
  • SBB’s route network

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    SBB’s route networkAll installations are ordered on lines. These lines also correspond to those found in the official timetable.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • XLS
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • JSON
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
  • Elevator master data

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Master data on SBB lifts and escalators

    Last updated: July 8, 2019

    • XLS
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • N3
    • ZIP
  • Stop: stopping point boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Lists the location of stopping point boards.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • KML
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
  • Wifi@Station

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information about stations that are equipped with SBB public WLAN.

    Last updated: February 23, 2024

    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
  • Special Train - Polyhack

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    This Dataset includes all Special Trains from 1.1.2018 to the 10.10.2020. It is dedicated to the Polyhack. The Source of the information is...

    Last updated: October 13, 2020

    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • KML
    • XLS
    • traffic
  • Emergency exits along the route

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Emergency exits along the routes in noise and fire protection walls.

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • XLS
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • RDF XML
  • Stop: equipment

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Lists the equipment the station has for accessible travel.The data is an extract from the operational systems and shows all stations belonging to SBB Infrastructure.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • JSON
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
  • Bestandesaufnahme_Behig

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Visualisiert der Stand der Erfassung der Informationen zu den Haltekanten im Kontext barrierefreies ReisenDie Daten stammen von opentransportdata.swiss und werden täglich (6 Uhr)...

    Last updated: September 20, 2024

    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • CSV
    • KML
    • gpx
    • XLS
  • station: contact adress

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Adress, mail, fax for the service at the station

    Last updated: December 28, 2017

    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • N3
    • dienstleistung
  • Departure boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Departure boards at SBB stops. Updated on an ongoing basis.

    Last updated: December 19, 2022

    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • gpx
    • N3
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
  • station: mobility

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information regarding park&rail, bikeparking, railtaxi, rentalbike, carsharing.

    Last updated: December 28, 2017

    • ZIP
    • KML
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • N3
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • dienstleistung
  • Real Estate construction projects

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information on ongoing SBB Real Estate construction projects.Updated daily.

    Last updated: September 21, 2024

    • gpx
    • N3
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • KML
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
  • Regional timetables

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Pocket timetable In the regions, timetable data is specially prepared so that public transport can be presented in a practical way in a booklet. Only documents produced by SBB are...

    Last updated: May 12, 2021

    • ZIP
    • N3
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
    • KML
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • CSV
  • Stop: platform length (body)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The platform is the part of the stop that is raised up from the railway tracks. It is used by passengers boarding, alighting from or waiting for a train. Platforms can be divided...

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • JSON
    • N3
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
  • Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Der Datensatz «Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat» listet für jeden Abschnitt des Streckennetzes und Monat die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Züge pro Tag auf und stellt sie den...

    Last updated: August 28, 2024

    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • KML
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
  • Stop: mobility

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information on Park+Rail, bike parking spaces, RailTaxi, rental bikes, car sharing incl. payment systems.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • JSON
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • TXT
  • Shop opening hours

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    What businesses are available at which stop and when they are open.     

    Last updated: September 20, 2024

    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • XLS
    • KML
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • gpx
    • N3
  • Stop: platform surface

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The platform surface is the part of the platform that people can walk on; it normally terminates in the platform edge which faces the tracks. 

    Last updated: September 17, 2024

    • TXT
    • XLS
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
    • gpx