55 datasets found

  • Regional timetables

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Pocket timetable In the regions, timetable data is specially prepared so that public transport can be presented in a practical way in a booklet. Only documents produced by SBB are...

    Last updated: May 12, 2021

    • N3
    • JSON
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • octet-stream
  • Stop: opening hours

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Opening hours of services at the station.This information is supplemented by the Stop: public holidays data set.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • JSON
    • XLS
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • KML
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
  • Stop: ticket validators

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Shows SBB ticket validators.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
  • Stop: services

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The major stations provide extensive SBB services with convenient opening hours: for ticket counters, ticket machines, counters for event tickets, currency exchange, money transfer...

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • JSON
    • N3
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • TXT
  • Haltestelle: Perronkante - inkl. BLS

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Gibt die Art des Perron, Höhe des Perrons und die Länge an. Datensatz Inkl. den Daten der BLS.Specifies the type of platform, the height of the platform and the length.

    Last updated: November 1, 2021

    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
    • KML
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • octet-stream
  • Departure boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Departure boards at SBB stops. Updated on an ongoing basis.

    Last updated: December 19, 2022

    • TXT
    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
  • Haltestelle-Haltekante

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Die Daten stammen von opentransportdata.swiss und werden täglich (6 Uhr)...

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • JSON
    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
  • Stop: ramps/stairs

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    This data set lists all stairs and ramps that provide access to the railway. The list comprises stairs and ramps for stations, stops and operating points belonging to SBB AG. In...

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • gpx
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • KML
  • QS Bestandesaufnahme Behig für Transportunternehmungen

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Visualisiert die Datenqualität der Bestandeserfassung BehiGDie Daten stammen von opentransportdata.swiss und werden täglich (6 Uhr)...

    Last updated: October 17, 2023

    • JSON
    • N3
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
  • station: contact adress

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Adress, mail, fax for the service at the station

    Last updated: December 28, 2017

    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • CSV
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • XLS
    • dienstleistung
  • Stop: sector boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Platforms are divided up into smaller areas using the sector boards.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • KML
  • Stop: ancillary services.

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of other establishments in SBB stations (kiosks, bakeries, tourist offices).

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • ZIP
    • N3
    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • XLS
  • Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Der Datensatz «Züge pro Streckenabschnitt und Monat» listet für jeden Abschnitt des Streckennetzes und Monat die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Züge pro Tag auf und stellt sie den...

    Last updated: August 28, 2024

    • CSV
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • KML
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
  • LoRa@Station

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa. List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa.

    Last updated: May 28, 2021

    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • gpx
    • JSON
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
  • Stop: light columns

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Light columns that serve as a distinguishing mark of an SBB stop.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • N3
  • Historic pictures of railway stations

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Historic pictures of railway stations in Switzerland. The data is provided by SBB Historic

    Last updated: March 1, 2018

    • RDF XML
    • JSON
    • JSON-LD
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • KML
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • station
    • immobilien
  • Service Points (Didok) based on opentransportdata.swiss

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of all stations in Switzerland. Original https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/didok 

    Last updated: March 11, 2024

    • JSON
    • CSV
    • KML
    • TXT
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
  • Stop: equipment

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Lists the equipment the station has for accessible travel.The data is an extract from the operational systems and shows all stations belonging to SBB Infrastructure.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • RDF XML
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • CSV
  • Stop: platform length (body)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The platform is the part of the stop that is raised up from the railway tracks. It is used by passengers boarding, alighting from or waiting for a train. Platforms can be divided...

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • KML
    • N3
    • XLS
  • Haltestelle: Übersicht Bahnhofpläne Trafimage

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Station maps provide information about boarding, alighting and changing, as well as showing services, retail and combined mobility in and around the station.They now exist for more...

    Last updated: August 28, 2024

    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • KML
    • RDF XML
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
    • gpx