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96 datasets found

  • Metadata of PARC - Portal for African Research Collections

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    PARC is the meta-catalogue for the Africana collections at the research location Basel. It contains more than 250'000 objects, books, photographs,...

    Last updated: August 30, 2023

    • glam
    • openglam
    • africa
  • Photographs by Robert Breitinger

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport

    Robert Breitinger-Wyder was a heating engineer and stove manufacturer in Zürich. At age 45, he took up the hobby of photography, like so many of the bourgeoisie in Zürich at that...

    Last updated: September 1, 2023

    • XML
    • ZIP
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Documents officiels numérisés de la Ville de Genève

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    La Ville de Genève a numérisé de nombreux documents qui sont disponibles sur le site web des archives de la Ville. Par exemple :

    • Mémorial des séances du Conseil municipal....

    Last updated: September 20, 2023

    • glam
    • openglam
  • Digitized Images from Old Books about Africa

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    2500+ images extracted from Old Books (1598-1907) about Africa with the corresponding metadata.

    You can browse the images in PARC (Portal for African Research Collections) :...

    Last updated:

    • glam
    • openglam
  • Early modern travel literature

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport

    Printed travelogues from the 16th to the 19th century shaped the ideas of foreign countries and continents. They informed, alienated and dramatised and thus satisfied the curiosity...

    Last updated: September 19, 2023

    • CSV
    • JSON
    • openglam
    • glam
  • Maps from the collection “Magnificent Atlases” with title cartouches

    Zentralbibliothek Zürich
    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    A selection of about 1930 maps from the collection "Magnificent Atlases: From the Beginnings to the Golden Age” were...

    Last updated: September 18, 2023

    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Index général de la correspondance du Musée d'Ethnographie (1900-1952)

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    Index d'environ 30'000 lettres écrites et reçues par le Musée d'Ethnographie entre 1900 et 1952. On y retrouve les noms de tous les correspondants, ainsi que leur localisation...

    Last updated: December 31, 1952

    • PDF
    • XLS
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Digitized rare books in the Basel University Library

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector, Regions and cities, Transport

    Over 6.000 prints (books, maps or music prints) from the Basel University Library from the 15th to the 19th century, including a lot of early prints from the 16th century.

    Last updated: January 6, 2016

    • HTML
    • ZIP
    • glam
    • incunable
    • maps
    • music
    • openglam
    • prints
    • sheet-music
  • Archives holdings metadata

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    The Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from the following Swiss archives via its website and API as well as information on archival...

    Last updated: April 13, 2021

    • HTML
    • archiv
    • openglam
    • archive
    • glam
  • Photos from the Max Frisch Archive

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    The image database for the Max Frisch Archive comprises roughly 4,000 images that document the life of Max Frisch in photographic form and give a comprehensive insight into the...

    Last updated: September 10, 2017

    • HTML
    • architecture
    • glam
    • openglam
    • photographs
    • theatre
    • zurich
  • Annotated references from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport

    A dataset of annotated references (in both reference lists and footnotes) from journal issues and monographs on the history of Venice, created in the context of the LinkedBooks...

    Last updated: May 14, 2017

    • ZIP
    • bibliography
    • citations
    • glam
    • openglam
    • references
  • Historical photograph collection “Active service in the First World War”

    Swiss Federal Archives SFA
    Education, culture and sport, Government and public sector

    The “Active service in the First World War” (1914-1918) photograph collection comprises 5,125 digitised glass plate negatives and their metadata from the fonds “National Defence...

    Last updated: October 23, 2014

    • ZIP
    • ODS
    • PDF
    • active-service
    • air-force
    • first-world-war
    • glam
    • manoeuvres
    • national-defence
    • officers
    • openglam
    • photographs
    • soldiers
    • swiss-army
    • swiss-history
    • troops
    • war
    • weapons
  • Bibliographic Records from the Alexandria Library Network

    Library Am Guisanplatz BiG
    Education, culture and sport

    Currently, the Alexandria library network comprises 16 libraries and documentation agencies within and outside the Confederation. The library catalog of this network contains more...

    Last updated: September 3, 2019

    • XML
    • bibliographic-records
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Citations extracted from monographs about the history of Venice

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Education, culture and sport, Regions and cities

    A dataset of citations extracted from monographs about the history of Venice.

    Last updated: March 13, 2017

    • JSON
    • bibliography
    • citations
    • glam
    • openglam
    • references
  • Historical Statistics of Switzerland

    OpenGLAM CH Working Group
    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Energy, Agriculture, fisheries, forestry and food, Government and public sector, Economy and finance

    The Historical Statistics of Switzerland Online maintains a collection of statistical data on the economic, social, political and cultural development of Switzerland in modern...

    Last updated: September 4, 2017

    • agriculture
    • areas
    • birth
    • causes-of-death
    • commerce
    • communications
    • construction
    • credit
    • culture
    • death
    • diseases
    • education
    • employment
    • energy-industry
    • environment-pollution
    • environmental-impact
    • foreign-trade
    • forestry
    • glam
    • history
    • hotels
    • industry
    • insurance
    • investment
    • law
    • marriage
    • media
    • migrations
    • money
    • national-accounting
    • naturalizations
    • openglam
    • political-statistics
    • population
    • prices
    • private-enterprises
    • private-households
    • public-finances
    • real-estate-market
    • restaurant-industry
    • science
    • social-statistics
    • statistics
    • transport
    • wages
    • weather-conditions
  • Carl Durheim’s police photographs of stateless persons

    Swiss Federal Archives SFA
    Population and society, Education, culture and sport, Justice, legal system and public safety, Economy and finance

    In 1852 and 1853 Carl Durheim, a pioneering photographer from Bern, was commissioned by the Confederation to photograph hundreds of stateless persons and travellers who had been...

    Last updated: December 15, 2014

    • HTML
    • glam
    • immigration
    • immigration-police
    • migration
    • openglam
    • police
    • poverty