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593 Datensätze gefunden

  • Number of avalanche fatalities per hydrological year in Switzerland since 1936-1937

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Attention: this data is not updated after 2022 anymore. This dataset contains the statistics on the number of avalanche fatalities per hydrological year in Switzerland. The data...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 14. Juni 2023

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  • WFJ_RHOSSA: Multi-instrument stratigraphy data for the seasonal evolution of an alpine snowpack

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The WFJ_RHOSSA dataset contains multi-instrument, multi-resolution snow stratigraphy measurements for the seasonal evolution of the snowpack from the Weissfluhjoch research site,...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. August 2020

    • TXT
  • Sapflow measurements LWF

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Continuous sap flow measurements with Granier-needles to investigate carbon balance and water relations of trees


    Assessment of water cycle processes

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. September 2021

  • Ceilometer Klosters

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Cloud base height (m) and vertical visibility (m) were measured with the VAISALA Ceilometer CL31 in Klosters (LON: 9.880413, LAT: 46.869019). The CL31 is an instrument with...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. März 2020

  • Yield of merchantable branches

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Wood volume of branches with bark at least 7 cm in diameter (limit for coarse wood) of all living trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh that were present in the pre-inventory and...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. April 2022

  • MadCrypto – Bryophyte and macrolichen diversity in laurel forests of Madeira

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset includes species lists of bryophytes and macrolichens (presence/absence) sampled on the forest floor and on trees in disturbed and undisturbed plots along elevation...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Mai 2022

    • XLS
  • Stated preference data on the insurance value of forests in Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    We present stated preference data for improved forest management measures from seven Swiss municipalities in the Cantons of Grisons and Valais. The data was collected between...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. Oktober 2020

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  • Total stem number by type of damage

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Number of all living and dead trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh where a particular type of damage (including no damage, dead or lying) was observed. One tree may have more...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. April 2022

  • High resolution monthly precipitation and temperature timeseries for the period 2006-2100

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Predicting future climatic conditions at high spatial resolution is essential for many applications in science. Here we present data for monthly time series of precipitation and...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 20. April 2021

  • Increment

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Increase in the volume of stemwood with bark of the trees and shrubs starting at 12 cm dbh that have survived between two inventories and of the losses (modelled for the half...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. April 2022

  • Deadwood survey LWF 2013 - line intersect

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using the line intersect method (repetition of the 1995 survey)


    Assessing the amount of coarse woody debris


    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. September 2021

  • Spatially explicit data to evaluate spatial planning outcomes in a coastal region in São Paulo State, Brazil

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The present dataset is part of the published scientific paper entitled “The role of spatial planning in land change: An assessment of urban planning and nature conservation...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 6. Januar 2022

    • GeoTIFF
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    • SHP
  • Litterfall LWF

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Litterfall is a key parameter in the biogeochemical cycle of forest ecosystems, linking the tree part to the soil compartment. Litterfall has been collected on 15 LWF plots using...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. September 2021

  • Reproducibility Dataset for CRYOWRF v1.0

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This repository contains data required for reproducibility of the results to be published in the associated manuscript.

    Apart from reproducibility, the attached datasets also...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. Juli 2021

    • ZIP
  • TRAMM project Ruedlingen experimental landslide dataset, Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    A landslide testsite dataset related to pore water pressure perturbations on the stability of unsaturated silty sand slopes leading to the initiation and propagation of the shear...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Oktober 2019

    • ZIP
  • Mountain Permafrost Hydrology

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This report was prepared as one of the synthesis report chapters of the Hydro-CH2018 project of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). In earlier reports such as the...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 7. November 2019

    • PDF
  • Visp, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme (LWF), from 1997 onwards

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here comprises...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Dezember 2019

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  • Deadwood survey LWF 1995 - line intersect

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Assessment of coarse woody debris on LWF plots using the line intersect method


    Assessing the amount of coarse woody debris

    Manual Citation:

    • Matthias...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. September 2021

  • Soil moisture and soil water potential measurements of the Intercantonal Forest Observation Program

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Since 2001 soil water content and soil water potential are measured in 40 plots of the *[Intercantonal Forest Observation...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. Januar 2023

    • CSV
  • IceCube_microCT_Snow_grainsize

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The specific surface area (SSA) of different snow types were measured with the IceCube instrument and the Scanco Medical microCT 40. In addition, the snow particles created during...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19. Februar 2023

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