ta la ricerca Search Filter Categorie Categorie Ambiente4 Popolazione e società2 Economia e finanze1 Regioni e città1 Salute1 Istruzione, cultura e...1 Tipo di contenuto Tipo di contenuto Visualizzazione di...4 4 bacheche trovate Ordina secondo Rilevanza Ultima modifica dei dati Ultima modifica dei metadati Nome crescente Nome decrescente Animal Diseases FSVO, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, collects data on the animal diseases in Switzerland. This data is published as 0 Dataset View Animal Diseases Population in Zurich The Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich collects data on the city and its residents. This data is published as Linked... 0 Dataset View Population in Zurich Real estate in Zurich The Statistical Office of the Canton of Zurich collects data on the city and its residents. This data is published as Linked... 0 Dataset View Real estate in Zurich Central Business Name Index – Zefix The Federal Office of Justice maintains ZEFIX, the swiss commerce register for all legally operating businesses. The register provides us with company name, type, description,... 1 Dataset View Central Business Name Index – Zefix Partecipa Pubblica dei dati Condividi il tuo bacheca Abbonarsi alla NewsMail