5 jeux de données trouvés

  • Sensitivity of modeled snow instability

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    We investigated the sensitivity of modeled snow instability to meteorological input data using SNOWPACK. We therefore used input data from the automatic weather station at the...

    Dernière mise à jour: 16 octobre 2020

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  • FSM2trans snowpack simulations with HICAR input

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    DESCRIPTION The dataset is used to run snowpack simulations with various forcing data at different resolutions with the Flexible Snow Model (FSM2oshd). A dynamical downscaling...

    Dernière mise à jour: 29 mai 2024

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  • FSM2trans code

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    This dataset includes the FORTRAN code of the FSM2trans model version used in the paper: Quéno et al., Snow redistribution in an intermediate-complexity snow hydrology modelling...

    Dernière mise à jour: 9 août 2024

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  • Validating and improving the critical crack length in SNOWPACK

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    To validate the critical crack length as implemented in the snow cover model SNOWPACK, PST experiments were conducted for three winter seasons (2015-2017) at two field site above...

    Dernière mise à jour: 29 octobre 2020

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  • Meteorological data for investigation of rain-on-snow events in 58 catchments in Switzerland

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    Meteorological data used to run SNOWPACK for 58 catchments in the Swiss Alps. The data consists of a 2 km grid of "virtual meteorological stations" for each catchment. It was used...

    Dernière mise à jour: 24 mars 2022

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