3 jeux de données trouvés

  • Stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    The data base contains timeseries of stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK. One data set contains weekly stable water isotope data from the...

    Dernière mise à jour: 27 mai 2020

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  • Short-term Drainage Density Dynamics Dataset

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    The dataset contains time series of water levels and precipitation measured in the Erlenbach catchment and its vicinity in summer and autumn 2021. Moreover, the dataset contains a...

    Dernière mise à jour: 24 octobre 2023

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  • Four years of daily stable water isotope data in stream water and precipitation from three Swiss catchments

    EnviDat: le portail de données environnementales
    Éducation, culture et sport

    This dataset contains four years of daily measurements of the natural isotopic composition (2H, 18O) of precipitation and stream water at the Alp catchment (area 47 km2) in Central...

    Dernière mise à jour: 27 avril 2022

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