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210 datasets found

  • Stop: light columns

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Light columns that serve as a distinguishing mark of an SBB stop.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • JSON
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • TXT
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • CSV
    • octet-stream
  • Stop: mobility

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information on Park+Rail, bike parking spaces, RailTaxi, rental bikes, car sharing incl. payment systems.

    Last updated: February 22, 2024

    • KML
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • N3
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • gpx
    • XLS
  • SBB’s route network

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    SBB’s route networkAll installations are ordered on lines. These lines also correspond to those found in the official timetable.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • N3
    • KML
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • ZIP
  • Target/Actual Comparison SBB departure/arrival times: (previous day)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Target/actual comparison of SBB departure/arrival times: data is from the previous day. The data comes from

    Last updated: September 23, 2024

    • JSON
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • XLS
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • N3
    • traffic
  • Stop: platform surface

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    The platform surface is the part of the platform that people can walk on; it normally terminates in the platform edge which faces the tracks. 

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • N3
    • JSON
    • KML
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
  • Tarifverbundkarte

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Tarifverbünde der Schweiz

    Last updated: September 26, 2024

    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • N3
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • TXT
  • City timetable

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Pocket timetable of a city.Last Update: 15.01.2021

    Last updated: June 29, 2021

    • JSON
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • N3
    • ZIP
    • JSON-LD
  • Real Estate construction projects

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information on ongoing SBB Real Estate construction projects.Updated daily.

    Last updated: September 26, 2024

    • octet-stream
    • JSON-LD
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • N3
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • RDF XML
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • KML
  • Shop opening hours

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    What businesses are available at which stop and when they are open.     

    Last updated: September 25, 2024

    • N3
    • TXT
    • KML
    • XLS
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • gpx
    • octet-stream
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
  • Stop: sector boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Platforms are divided up into smaller areas using the sector boards.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • JSON
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • TXT
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • XLS
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
  • Direct Trains in Europe

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Der Datensatz bildet alle Fernverkehrsverbindungen ab, welche direkt ab der Schweiz nach Europa verkehren. Auf der Karte können Informationen zu allen abgebildeten Linien mit einem...

    Last updated: May 12, 2022

    • JSON
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • KML
    • N3
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF XML
  • Historic pictures of railway stations

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Historic pictures of railway stations in Switzerland. The data is provided by SBB Historic

    Last updated: March 1, 2018

    • RDF XML
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • KML
    • JSON
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • gpx
    • N3
    • immobilien
    • station
  • Tunnels

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Standort  der Bahntunnels der SBB. Location   of SBB railway tunnels. Letzter / Last Update June 2023

    Last updated: January 22, 2024

    • JSON
    • gpx
    • ZIP
    • KML
    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • N3
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
  • Wifi@Station

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Information about stations that are equipped with SBB public WLAN.

    Last updated: February 23, 2024

    • JSON
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • KML
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • TXT
  • Stop: luggage

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    When can which luggage be checked in at a stop.

    Last updated: February 23, 2024

    • ZIP
    • N3
    • gpx
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • octet-stream
    • JSON
    • RDF Turtle
    • JSON-LD
    • TXT
    • CSV
    • XLS
  • Service Points (Didok) based on

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of all stations in Switzerland. Original 

    Last updated: March 11, 2024

    • XLS
    • TXT
    • JSON
    • ZIP
    • RDF XML
    • JSON-LD
    • RDF Turtle
    • N3
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • KML
    • CSV
  • Line (Operation Points)

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Course of a line based on the operating points.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • XLS
    • JSON
    • octet-stream
    • RDF XML
    • KML
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
    • ZIP
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • N3
    • gpx
    • traffic
    • infrastructure
  • Stop: stopping point boards

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Lists the location of stopping point boards.

    Last updated: September 24, 2024

    • TXT
    • octet-stream
    • RDF Turtle
    • CSV
    • XLS
    • gpx
    • JSON-LD
    • JSON
    • KML
    • ZIP
    • N3
    • RDF XML
  • LoRa@Station

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa. List of all train stations that are already or will soon be connected with LoRa.

    Last updated: May 28, 2021

    • CSV
    • N3
    • KML
    • JSON
    • RDF XML
    • gpx
    • XLS
    • RDF Turtle
    • octet-stream
    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • JSON-LD
  • Regional timetables

    Swiss Federal Railways SBB

    Pocket timetable In the regions, timetable data is specially prepared so that public transport can be presented in a practical way in a booklet. Only documents produced by SBB are...

    Last updated: May 12, 2021

    • JSON
    • RDF XML
    • octet-stream
    • gpx
    • TXT
    • KML
    • JSON-LD
    • N3
    • XLS
    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • RDF Turtle