4 datasets found

  • Global species distributions for mammals, reptiles, and amphibians

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    We modelled the global distribution of 730 amphibian, 1276 reptile, and 1961 mammal species globally as a function of current climate at a 0.5° spatial resolution using four...

    Last updated: November 9, 2022

    • ZIP
    • TXT
    • range-maps
    • reptiles
    • climate-variablity
    • generalized-linear-models
    • generalized-additive-models
    • chelsa
    • amphibians
    • random-forests
    • species-distribution-models
    • mammals
    • iucn
    • sdm
    • niche-models
    • interannual-climate-variability
  • IceCube_microCT_Snow_grainsize

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    The specific surface area (SSA) of different snow types were measured with the IceCube instrument and the Scanco Medical microCT 40. In addition, the snow particles created during...

    Last updated: February 19, 2023

    • ZIP
    • XLS
    • icecube
    • microct
    • intercomparison
    • specific-surface-area
    • snow
  • LABES 2 Indicators of the Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    The Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program (LABES) records both the physical and the perceived quality of the landscape with about 30 indicators. The surveys of the physical aspects...

    Last updated: March 26, 2024

    • ZIP
    • landscape-ecology
    • landscape-perception
    • ecosystem-services
    • european-landscape-convention
    • landscape
  • Soil and stem xylem water isotope data from two pan-European sampling campaigns

    EnviDat: the Environmental Data Portal
    Education, culture and sport

    Here, we present a comprehensive isotope dataset of soil and stem xylem water collected during two pan-European sampling campaigns in spring and summer 2023. The dataset includes...

    Last updated: September 19, 2024

    • ZIP
    • CSV
    • xylem-water
    • hydrology
    • oxygen-isotopes
    • forest
    • isotopes
    • spruce
    • cryogenic-extraction
    • soil-water
    • picea-abies
    • europe
    • water-isotopes
    • critical-zone
    • ecohydrology
    • fagus-sylvatica
    • hydrogen-isotopes
    • beech